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In life, there are different seasons. Every season is beautiful, if we know what we need to do and do it will full confidence. We all will start 2020 as a new year and a new decade, but do we know what God has called us to do during this season and time?


We believe it is time to rise and shine! This is not the time to stop but to run with all your might, knowing that God has created you to carry His Name to all the world exactly today and now. Do you know the word 'champion' means 'the one who fights on behalf of another'? You are a warrior for God who fights for Him and His people! You are here to fight for the Kingdom of Light, to live in victory, and to have a supernatural life! You are a CHAMPION


Join us for our ninth History Makers youth conference! Be one of the hundreds of young people from all over Latvia and other countries who gather together to glorify the name of Jesus Christ. Come and experience what God wants to do during these 2 days in His presence!

I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share

in its blessings. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run,

but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.

They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get

a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone

running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.

No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after

I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

(1 Corinthians 9:23-27)



18.30 Small stage
19.00 Session I


09.00 Session II
11.00 Break
11.20 Session III
13.00 Lunch break
14.00 Small stage
14.30 Session IV
17.00 Dinner
17.30 Small stage
18.00 Session V



History Makers team

History Makers team has a heart beat to serve others and create an atmosphere of humility and glory to God whether leading worship, activities, cooking food or cleaning toilets. All is done to the glory of God!


Agris Ozolinkevičs

Agris is pastor of Jelgava’s Pentecostal Church, a husband, and father of 6. He has many experiences in serving and longs to see the work of the Holy Spirit. Through a radical but simple and easy approach, God has used Agris to touch many hearts.


Dāvids Gleške

David is a youth leader at the church "Joyful News". His heart longs to see young people experiencing God's love and radically changed lives. He is confident that the Word of God does miracles, so he loves the Word and boldly preaches it to all people in many ways.


Dāvids Gleške

David is a youth leader at the church "Joyful News". His heart longs to see young people experiencing God's love and radically changed lives. He is confident that the Word of God does miracles, so he loves the Word and boldly preaches it to all people in many ways.


Marks Ozolinkevičs

Mark is the leader of the organization "There is more", which arranges evangelical events in different cities and towns. Mark isn't afraid of small villages or big cities, many or few people, because his biggest desire is to preach the gospel and see Latvia saved and changed by the power of God.

Matiss Babrovskis.jpg

Matīss Babrovskis

Matīss has grown up in the Matthew Baptist Church, where he joined in ministries very early on, especially serving the youth. Now he is a preacher in his church and is actively involved in leadership. From the bottom of his heart, Matīss wishes to address and reach the youth with the message about Jesus.


Matīss Babrovskis

Information about all the other guests is coming soon!


Matīss Babrovskis

Information about all the other guests is coming soon!

do you wish to help out in the making of the conference and be a part of the team? This is your chance!

+371 29925624 (LV, RU, EN)

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